IMPORTANT MESSAGE Directioner As we all know One Direction’s tenth anniversary is coming up in a few months. There are fan projects for Story Of My Life and Drag Me Down to reach 1 billion streams by then. Some points have been observed: -YouTube doesn’t count the views without the initiation of the user -Don’t use spam comments or watch bots -YouTube doesn’t count more than 5 views from one user in one day -You only have to watch 40 seconds to get a view -Avoid multiple windows and refreshing while streaming Only stream the official video right now What you need to do is: Stream Drag Me Down and Story Of My Life alternatively for 40-50 seconds 5 times a day. Three thousand people have to follow this strictly every day to reach 1 billion. Don’t think that you don’t matter, I get busy and think that I’m one little view it’s fine. But the problem is others start thinking that too. This will only take you 5-10 minutes per day. SHARE TO 10 USERS #DragMeDownTo1B #StoryOfMyLifeTo1B

@FinnleyKay if I could be on all of the one direction’s whattPad stories but I wish they them to operate on me cause what’s inside of me it’s my rib cage is in the wrong position it’s in my front to my back to my side of my armpits are but most most of joints or my knuckles are popping up or on both sides of my feet’s and I have a discoloration patch on my right leg but I don’t know the name of it is it’s been with me since I was a baby I want all of that to be checked