Hi, it’s both Aimee and Rick here. We are here to celebrate two big causes that we personally connect with. National anxiety month is awareness to a condition that I experience on a daily basis while National autism awareness month is awareness of how Rick perceives the world around him.
If you could do anything this month, raise awareness of these two causes and many more that happen each and every month. Together we will help others.
Other awareness this month:
Alcohol awareness month, Celebrate diversity month, Children and nature awareness month, Dog appreciation month, Financial literacy month, International Amateur radio month, International guitar month, Irritable bowel syndrome awareness month, Jazz appreciation month, Keep America beautiful month, Mathematics and statistics awareness month, Mathematics education month, National cancer control month, National car care month, National donate life month, National facial protection month, National frog month, National garden month, National grilled cheese sandwich month, National humour month, National kite month, National pecan month, National poetry month, National social security month, Sexual assault awareness month