
Hey amigos!
          	Go check out my new tap story. Follow the link and get tapping xx
          	Love Aimee xx 


hey guys!
          So I decided to add a different story to my list but staying on topic of fan fictions. I have written a story based on really popular programme on TV called Death In Paradise which is awesome. Anyway, if you are a interested in crime type stories then check it out. 
          Thanks guys ! :)


Hy guys!,
          Hope the six weeks have started awesomely for you all. I am not feeling at my best at the moment so updates for my Ricky fan fic, Adam Levine fan fic, my Once Upon A Time fanfic and my 'this is my life' story will not be updated in the next few days. Don't delete out of your library though, they will be updated in the next week.
          Thanks guys! :-)
          Aimee xx