
I had been best friends with him for nearly eleven years now. But only for the past two years, it's been...different. For me at least. Two years ago, when I was 13 years old I started falling for my best friend. I didn't think anything of it at the beginning when my face grew hot as he looked at me and smiled, or when he'd laugh and it could always make me smile, and I just thought it was friendly of me to worry when I didn't see him at school for a few days and I didn't hear anything from him. I mean, you would for your best friend right? 
          	But just like that, something clicked inside of me and I saw him differently. A better different if that was even possible. I saw how happy he made me every day, how he had always been there, a shoulder to cry on and a friend to laugh with. I liked him more than a friend and I thought it was best to cover it up and hoped it went away. There was no reason why it shouldn't have. But here I am, two years on and now even more in love with him. I see him every day, I see his smile and get a hug. The best part is that he knows I like him. I wrote him two letters a few weeks ago. A thank you letter for being me friend and a love letter. It explained everything! I finally got it off my chest and I feel better than I ever have.  I got no response from him. I asked later that night if he had read the letters and all I got was ‘Yep.’ I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that. 
          	But, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. We grow closer each day, we’ve got each other’s backs and I get a hug off him every day and he doesn’t mind because he knows it makes me feel safe when I’m with him.  But I didn’t say it out loud to his face by ourselves till today. He mumbled ‘I love you too’ back and I left him to go to class with a smile on my face. I’ll love him forever even if he is just my best friend because I know he’ll always be by my side and to be honest I couldn’t bear the thought of him being anywhere else.


@AimeeSpellman Just a note to myself here. He did leave. He fell in love with one of your best friends at the time and kept it from you. 
          	  They're engaged now, have been for two, nearly three years...
          	  However, you found a guy. A perfect guy for you. You both need work and you're still young but, with time you'll just be more perfect for each other. 
          	  The guy who you used to love. The one that you used to dream about sometimes has nothing on this guy, I swear; and whilst you may still think about the good old days, this guy is trying his best to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You're his number one, not second best. 
          	  I'm so proud of you, of us! How far we've come and how much we've grown. 
          	  You've done so well and I can't thank you enough for sticking through it all. 
          	  It does get better! Sure, you'll have times where you're down on your luck but it picks up again and this guy is in love with you, no matter what and for exactly who YOU are!
          	  Love always, Aimee xoxo


I had been best friends with him for nearly eleven years now. But only for the past two years, it's been...different. For me at least. Two years ago, when I was 13 years old I started falling for my best friend. I didn't think anything of it at the beginning when my face grew hot as he looked at me and smiled, or when he'd laugh and it could always make me smile, and I just thought it was friendly of me to worry when I didn't see him at school for a few days and I didn't hear anything from him. I mean, you would for your best friend right? 
          But just like that, something clicked inside of me and I saw him differently. A better different if that was even possible. I saw how happy he made me every day, how he had always been there, a shoulder to cry on and a friend to laugh with. I liked him more than a friend and I thought it was best to cover it up and hoped it went away. There was no reason why it shouldn't have. But here I am, two years on and now even more in love with him. I see him every day, I see his smile and get a hug. The best part is that he knows I like him. I wrote him two letters a few weeks ago. A thank you letter for being me friend and a love letter. It explained everything! I finally got it off my chest and I feel better than I ever have.  I got no response from him. I asked later that night if he had read the letters and all I got was ‘Yep.’ I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that. 
          But, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. We grow closer each day, we’ve got each other’s backs and I get a hug off him every day and he doesn’t mind because he knows it makes me feel safe when I’m with him.  But I didn’t say it out loud to his face by ourselves till today. He mumbled ‘I love you too’ back and I left him to go to class with a smile on my face. I’ll love him forever even if he is just my best friend because I know he’ll always be by my side and to be honest I couldn’t bear the thought of him being anywhere else.


@AimeeSpellman Just a note to myself here. He did leave. He fell in love with one of your best friends at the time and kept it from you. 
            They're engaged now, have been for two, nearly three years...
            However, you found a guy. A perfect guy for you. You both need work and you're still young but, with time you'll just be more perfect for each other. 
            The guy who you used to love. The one that you used to dream about sometimes has nothing on this guy, I swear; and whilst you may still think about the good old days, this guy is trying his best to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You're his number one, not second best. 
            I'm so proud of you, of us! How far we've come and how much we've grown. 
            You've done so well and I can't thank you enough for sticking through it all. 
            It does get better! Sure, you'll have times where you're down on your luck but it picks up again and this guy is in love with you, no matter what and for exactly who YOU are!
            Love always, Aimee xoxo


Okay my fandom amigos, Halloween is dawning upon us and I really need help on my costume for a Halloween Party. I was thinking Slytherin/deatheater student or Demon from SPN. If any body has got any ideas on what or how this should go down please help!


"You had my heart in your hands and you teased it with your words and shredded it with your lies, I can't stand the pain anymore because it kills me just to look into those eyes!" ~ A Quote from my new Supernatural Imagine that's coming soon! I hope you like my 'HOMEMADE LYRICS' shockingly bad I know!


Professor Stephen Hawking has outlined a new theory about black holes, arguing they could lead to other universes. 
          Speaking at a public lecture in Stockholm, the physicist detailed his thoughts about where lost information ends up after being sucked into black holes.
          A black hole is a place where gravity compresses matter to a density where the usual laws of physics break down.
          Prof Hawking said there is "a way out" of black holes, adding that he has discovered a mechanism "by which information is returned out of the black hole".
          He said information lost in a black hole may be translated into a kind of "hologram", or break out into an alternative universe.
          He said: "The existence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might be possible.
          "The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe.
          "But you couldn't come back to our universe. So although I'm keen on space flight, I'm not going to try that.
          "The message of this lecture is that black holes ain't as black as they are painted.
          "They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly come out in another universe."
          Prof Hawking's lecture was reported in a blog from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.


I started a new fanfiction called Harry Potter Alternate Universe four days ago and I would like to thank everybody who read it and voted and commented! You are the greatest support I could wish for and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it! 
          Elleth xoxo