
never think someone still existing
          	for second time,
          	someone only live once.
          	and the moment someone's gone,
          	it's clearly means that someone,
          	already die.


i know how does it feels.
          i know because i felt it in 2022.
          right now, please.
          focus on yourself, on your new journey.
          do not repeat my past mistakes for not prioritizing my 4th Semester of study back in 2022.
          i know this is hurt.
          but please, please.
          focus on yourself, first.
          i know we fight everyday,
          with our inner self,
          in order to keep living in this world,
          while all we think is death.
          but we can't do that, right?
          so please, we got each other.
          most importantly, Allah with us.
          smile, rest well, focus on your journey.
          either it's a job, doing house chores with family time, or even strive in study,
          you always have your number 1 supporter.

          20:20 20:21 12 not
          if talking bad about me will make you feel better,
          then, do it.
          make me the bad person in our story.
          Just remember...
          We were each other's home
          When you needed a shoulder to cry on...I was there...
          Even at your happy moments how big or small the reason is... I was there to celebrate everything with you... virtually or physically...
          So before you make me the bad person...
          Just remember...
          It used to be just the two of us against the world...
          but now, you're turning it into you against me and the world...
          keep talking bad about me,
          i don't mind,
          as long as you're feeling better.
          because to me,
          i can't talk bad about you,
          because you're my world once.

          terima kasih wahai hamba Allah yang aku cintai kerana-Nya...
          terima kasih atas perpisahan kita...
          kebencian dengan sebab daripada kamu,
          telah membawa aku kepada Dia yang menyedarkan aku,
          kecintaan tanpa syarat terhadap diri kamu.
          terima kasih, W.A
          kerana menjadi perantara ,
          untuk aku belajar,
          erti unconditional love yang kamu sering janjikan di saat awal perkenalan kita.
          iya mungkir janji itu sifat kita semua.
          kita semua itu munafik.
          jadi, takpelah.
          takde sape betul sape salah.
          dua dua betul dan salah.
          terima kasih,
          aku akhirnya diajar oleh Allah,
          cinta itu tak pernah menyakitkan.
          yang menyakitkan hanyalah ego (kesombongan, merasa di pihak benar) daripada syaitan dalam diri kita sebagai manusia.
          semoga aku dan kamu bukan hanya bercinta di dunia, tapi juga hingga ke Syurga-Nya .
          bersahabat di dunia hingga Syurga, berjiran di Syurga dengan izin Allah...

          terima kasih WABMS
          kebencian dengan sebab terhadap diriku,
          mengajarkan aku,
          kecintaan tanpa syarat kepada dirimu.
          terima kasih hamba Allah ;)
          kerana hadirnya dirimu,
          kerana kebencian bersebab daripadamu,
          telah mengajarkan aku,
          erti kecintaan tanpa syarat.
          dan terima kasih,
          kerana akhirnya aku sadar,
          cinta itu tak pernah menyakitkan.
          yang menyakitkan aku dan kamu hanyalah ego masing-masing.


materials ; look, status, wealth,
          those are useless.
          everyone are being trapped in those illusions.
          everyone didn't realize, those are illusions.
          they will realize, when they're already in the grave.
          at that moment, they will realize,
          those materials are nothing.
          those materials make them lost humanity,
          they forgot about the real God ; only Allah.
          they a life...
          with those materials
          as the God in their life...
          Na'uzubillahi min zalik..
          Forgive us ya Rabbi,
          Forgive us because we failed to bring them closer to you...
          The hidayah is belongs to you ya Rabbi...
          Save us ya Rabbi...
          Save us before we die...
          Save us from being syirik..
          Save us from being syirik by putting MATERIALS as God in our life...
          Save us from syirk ya Rabbi...
          Forgive us for our past mistakes ya Rabbi..
          Save them, ya Rabbi...
          Save them, ya Allah...
          They're lost in this illusions of world,
          Guide them, Ya Rabbi...
          We have no power...
          Allah , You're Almighty 
          We tried ya Rabbi...
          We tried to bring more people closer to you..
          But we also a sinner...
          we're weak..
          we failed ya Rabbi...
          Ya Allah ya Rabbi...
          We will never stop praying for them,
          We might seems like we stop to bring them closer to you,
          because we stop being there for them.
          but wallahi..
          it's hurt..
          we need to retreat ya Rabbi..
          give us time..before we comeback in this dakwah,
          to continue the work of Rasulullah SAW...
          Forgive us ya Rabbi...
          Forgive us ya Rasulullah SAW...
          We can't be as strong as you, Ya Rasulullah SAW...
          but we tried our best..
          Forgive us...
          For easily being hurt...
          For easily give up...
          Forgive us Ya Rabbi...
          Please save us..
          Save every human being in this world,
          bring them to you ya Rabbi..
          Guide them, ya Rabbi...


you can be good looking, have so much knowledge @ masters @ highly educated, have high status and position, have wide connection (but l
          actually with low quality), or even rich,
          but if you and your circles (your wide connection) don't come with emotionally intelligent, high empathy vibration and high spiritual level,
          you're actually nothing for people like us.
          because materials are never things that we actually seek for.
          materialistic people like them,
          with characteristics that have been stated in 1st paragraph,
          that make us lost our focus,
          from our true deep intention,
          which are stated in the 2nd paragraph above.
          look, money, status, materialistic connection are nothing when we die.
          that's why, they've never been what we actually seek for in people.
          we just need people who have pure emotionally and spiritually connection with us ; because it will never end even our body separated by time and distance,
          because the connection never end ,, it is always there even without communication,
          because it will never end even our body is dead, even we're already in the grave.
          that's the most valuable and the most expensive 'things' in life, gifts from Allah,
          that we seek for in people that we want to connect with.
          emotional & spiritual connection are the most expensive gift from Allah.
          that's why we can't stand in a circle of materialistic people,
          because Allah gave us those expensive gifts that we need to protect with our breath, till the end of our life.
          isolation and alone never means weakness and loneliness.
          being in materialistic noises are the real loneliness.


'racun' sebenar tersembunyi dlm hubungan sedarah, 'meracun' hingga 'hancur' lalu 'nasi' yg disalahkan
          racun itu sebenarnya ada dalam darah,
          racun itulah punca segala 'penyakit', segala penderitaan,
          tapi yang disalahkan adalah, 
          makanan yang disuap dari luar oleh tangan.
          kasihan makanan menjadi fitnah sedangkan itu adalah anugerah daripada Allah.
          tapi dibutakan untuk melihat anugerah itu kerana telah selesa dengan racun dalam darah.
          racun itu akan perlahan-perlahan terus memakan diri,
          sehingga tiada apa lagi yang tersisa.
          sehingga yang tinggal hanyalah,
          jasad tanpa jiwa.
          tubuh tanpa semangat.
          mati sebelum ajal.


@Aina_fiya i don't have answers untuk soalan yang kau tanya kat mesej tu.
            sepatutnya aku yang tanya kau, apa yang kau cerita kat semua orang.
            sebab kau yang selalu cerita pasal perempuan yang pernah ada dalam hidup kau.
            aku memang pernah contact semua bini kau, tapi kau tak tahu pape. yang kau nampak, aku kacau privasi.
            aku, contact diorang, untuk kejujuran dan kebenaran.
            aku bertanya, dan diorang menjawab. dan aku dapat jawapan, selesai.
            kalau berbual panjang, itu sebab kitorang saling bermaafan dan berkenalan tentang diri masing-masing.
            after all, at the end, it's not always about you semata-mata.
            those girls and i, we have ourselves, we have our own story to talk about, we're not being bitches that just talking about you and we're not going to waste our energy to even fighting and become enemy because of you.
            and we have our own right to get to know each other and even be friend. it has nothing related to you.
            so tak perlu tanya, apa yang diceritakan kepada perempuan tu semua. because i'm not interested in talking about others. you're the one yang always wanna look clean in front of people.

          aku tak pernah dengar kisah ni 
          ya Allah 
          Rasullah SAW telah berjanji kepadaMu, iaitu
          Baginda menyimpan doa khusus untuk kami umatnya ") ia seolah janji : doa menyelamatkan umatnya (seolah janji yang khusus melalui doa)
          Bahkan ada yang menceritakan, sepanjang tempoh menyimpan doa tersebut untuk umatnya,
          Baginda diuji dengan pelbagai ujian oleh Allah SWT 
          namun baginda tetap teguh dengan janjinya (menyimpan doa khusus tersebut) tetap untuk umatnya walaupun baginda boleh gunakan doa tersebut untuk menyelamatkan cucu-cucunya ") 
          Namun, baginda tetap teguh, setia berpegang pada janji.
          Cucu baginda, Hasan akan mati akibat terminum racun dan Husin akan mati dengan kepalanya dipenggal...Nabi dah dapat gambaran tu tapi Nabi tetap simpan doa tu untuk umatnya... sedangkan baginda boleh doa supaya Allah selamatkan cucu-cucu baginda ")
          Ini benar janji setia ya Allah ")
          memang patut lagu Janji Setia oleh Tiara Andini seringkali digunakan untuk menceritakan kisah kekasih-Mu ini melalui social media ")
          Ya Allah...benar janji setia kerana-Mu itu,
          tak pernah mudah ")
          diuji dengan ujian demi ujian ")
          hatta baginda Rasulullah SAW kekasih-Mu pun tak terlepas daripada diuji dengan janjinya yang disimpan dalam doa ")
          Baginda amat mencintai kami umatnya...
          Betapa zalimnya kami kerana tidak mengikuti ajaran baginda, tidak berakhlak dengan akhlak baginda,
          Ya Allah, Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang, ampunkanlah dosa dosa umat Nabi Muhammad SAW....ampunkan kami ya Allah...kami telah menzalimi diri kami sendiri...