
Aloha guys!! Guess who’s back again? It’s been ages but life got in the way lol yano but I have a question for you all so please answer, should I post a preview of the next chapter I’ve been working working on? Comment below so that I can see if I should post it, thanks guyss love you all!!


Aloha guys!! Guess who’s back again? It’s been ages but life got in the way lol yano but I have a question for you all so please answer, should I post a preview of the next chapter I’ve been working working on? Comment below so that I can see if I should post it, thanks guyss love you all!!


Omgg I’ve been gone for so longggg...and now exams coming up soon ugh but omg TWTBB is at 1K reads now so thanks to everyone who’s supported it and read on I’m sorry for being gone so long and leaving it on hold but I’ll be back soon I have so many ideas can’t wait to share it, love you all!!


Yeah I'm alive, life, friends, drama basically living in a world similar to "Trapped with the Bad Boys" lol idk if I should put the story on hold for now until I'm free again or just continue I'll think about it in the mean time comment and tell me what you think I should do thank you guys ur all amazing❤️❤️


Happy new year guys!! I know it's not midnight yet in the UK but whatever I love you guys so much❤️ this year has been the most adventurous, crazy and unique year ever! From the good times to the bad times (*cough* *cough* Donald Trump) anywaysss I just wanted to make sure you guys know how much I appreciate you and I know I haven't updated for a long time, but I will soon I promise, hope you all enjoy 2017!❤️ and hopefully we won't die... ha...ha


Happy Halloween guys! I have had an adventurous one with a clown pacing up and down my street and scaring little children NOT FUNNY AT ALL! Anyways am posting the Halloween special chapter in a couple of days or a week cause I haven't finished it yet but guys I will post it soon thanks! love you so much❤️


Hey guys so I have been thinking and I think that if I have enough time I will be doing a Halloween special chapter, a Christmas special chapter and a New Year special chapter cause I think that would be fun and relatable.
          Thank you guys, love you❤️
          P.S I am crying that I couldn't go to the JB concert can't afford it! and am apparently too young!


After thinking about it for a while I have realised that I am too busy with this thing called LIFE and I am very focused on trying to write Trapped With The Bad Boys that it makes it difficult for me to focus on anything else with school in the way too so I have decided I am going to unpublish my JB Fanfiction until I have more time or am done with writing Trapped With The Bad Boys, thanks and love you guys❤️


I will be updating soon guys, sorry for the wait, meanwhile please read the first chapter of my JB Fanfiction called Until Another Day please I'd appreciate it too if you voted on both stories, I love you guys so much❤️ I couldn't do this without you guys cause recently I've been hating on everything and everyone but I am still staying as positive as I can! Love you❤️❤️