heyy beautifuls! how are y'all doing? I've been trying to figure out three things: 1. is it normal to have fake scenarios in your head bc nothing close to romance ever happens to you? 2. do guys make up fake scenarios or is it just a girl thing? 3. does anyone make fake scenarios about me? bc that'd make me feel so loved and ahhh

thank you wifeee! firstly I am so romance deprived so that makes sense. and I have genuinely realized that guys are delusional ask bc one of my get friends was going on about how his crush looked at him and now he's convinced they're getting married hehe. MISS YOU TOO WIFEY MWAH MWAH

@Aishiiscool Heyy!! Firstly, yes. Even though people consider it a mental illness, creating fake scenarios is very normal, especially when you're romance deprived. And yeah, guys make up fake scenarios as well, maybe not the same as girl's, but they definitely do. They are kinda delusional as well. And third, it depends a lot on your relationship with people, if you have a guy (or a girl, ldk) that likes you, finds you beautiful or simply best friends, they might make up fake scenarios with you, it doesn't mean that they have necessarily to be romantic. You can make up scenarios with friends as well :) That's adorable as well and would make me feel very loved! Hope I helped? Idk ahahaha miss you wifey!