
Not sure who'd actually read this but I just wanted to post something on my message board because why not.
          	I decided to unpublish "Deep Down Under" (it's a short story collection written in English) because:
          	1. I've basically got two short story collections; "224" and "Orphic". 
          	2. Regarding the first point, I feel like if I have more than two short story collections, it's called cheating.
          	3. It's written in English. My English is bad.
          	4. I don't like the short stories I published there.
          	5. I came up with another story (this time, it's not a short story collection) that would be written in English as well. 
          	Thank you, I think.


Izin kak promosi aku baru menulis cerpen dan ini asli dari pemikiran ku untuk penulisan nya termasuk unik dan beda dari yang lain karena terinspirasi dari menonton podcast Raditya Dika yang menceritakan penulis cerpen terkenal di Jepang yaitu Murakami. 


Kak, cerita kakak yang Everywhere and Nowhere diunpublish? Padahal aku suka banget sampe sering reread huhu T_T


@ nosaka27  oalahh, okee kak bakal aku tungguin terus semangat kak


@nosaka27 wah, halo Kak! Makasih banyak support-nya, Key seneng denger cerita itu ternyata ada yang suka reread (〃'▽'〃) Everywhere and Nowhere Key unpublish untuk persiapan rewrite! Jadi, nanti di-republish kokk


Not sure who'd actually read this but I just wanted to post something on my message board because why not.
          I decided to unpublish "Deep Down Under" (it's a short story collection written in English) because:
          1. I've basically got two short story collections; "224" and "Orphic". 
          2. Regarding the first point, I feel like if I have more than two short story collections, it's called cheating.
          3. It's written in English. My English is bad.
          4. I don't like the short stories I published there.
          5. I came up with another story (this time, it's not a short story collection) that would be written in English as well. 
          Thank you, I think.


Numpang lewat deh sambil pura-pura ngejatohin kantong asoy


@gussaluudin HAHAHAHA /CRY EMOJI


Iyaa Key, jan sampe ditungguin deh /ngelirik sisi lain yang pelupa


@gussaluudin KEY TUNGGU KAPAN-KAPAN LHO ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)