The audacity continues! To show us we're wrong about her plagarism, Isa announced on her Nightgale (sp) account, she is now posting her original, never plagarized, work on a WordPress blog. Her first "original" poem starts:
She walks in beauty like the night.
I didn't bother reading the rest. I kind of thought Lord Byron died like 2 centuries ago? Maybe he's really a vampire and living as a woman in South Asia somewhere?
To prove she is a published author, she shared with yet another friend, a research paper written by several scientists out in Michigan. One of the authors happens to share Isa's name.
Isa lives somewhere on the Indian subcontinent and, to my knowledge, has never traveled to another country, never mind studied in Michigan.
Plus, despite claiming to be fluent in English, her understanding of English grammar, spelling, and the misuse/abuse of capital letters leaves one wondering if she passed a single English class.