
I have discovered, to my very great annoyance, that writing a mystery within a romance is not as easy as writing conflicts within a romance. There's only so much handwaving I can write in before I have to try to set up the whodunit properly.  


@AitchNKay I feel you, it's not easy at all. I really struggle with that whole whodunnit stuff


I have discovered, to my very great annoyance, that writing a mystery within a romance is not as easy as writing conflicts within a romance. There's only so much handwaving I can write in before I have to try to set up the whodunit properly.  


@AitchNKay I feel you, it's not easy at all. I really struggle with that whole whodunnit stuff


Hi author, how about you write another time travel wangxian ff. Not jiang family friendly. Weiying leaves jiang sect. 


Thank you author. I will wait and please inform me title name. 


@PrathyushaMedidaraju I'm 26k words into this fic. Time travel, yes. Jiang family, neutral, so far. As to who traveled, why, and how? I'll let you find find out once I'm ready to post. 


@PrathyushaMedidaraju Hi author, do you remember me. Here is i request you when I request you time travel weiying and not jiang family friendly. Here weiying and wen sect members are time travel to past. Before the gusu class start. Weiying leaves jiang sect publicly. Wen sect members search for the savior and their surname will be wei. 


Dear readers. 
          Happy New Year! 
          May it bring you peace and health. And lots of well written, engaging stories from both your favorite authors and ones you've yet to meet. 
          - Aitch. 


@AitchNKay happy new year dear author and may you have a fantastic 2025!


@AitchNKay Hi, wishing you a new year filled with love, warmth and comfort in everything you do.


The audacity continues! To show us we're wrong about her plagarism, Isa announced on her Nightgale (sp) account, she is now posting her original, never plagarized, work on a WordPress blog. Her first "original" poem starts:
          She walks in beauty like the night.
          I didn't bother reading the rest. I kind of thought Lord Byron died like 2 centuries ago? Maybe he's really a vampire and living as a woman in South Asia somewhere?
          To prove she is a published author, she shared with yet another friend, a research paper written by several scientists out in Michigan. One of the authors happens to share Isa's name. 
          Isa lives somewhere on the Indian subcontinent and, to my knowledge, has never traveled to another country, never mind studied in Michigan. 
          Plus, despite claiming to be fluent in English, her understanding of English grammar, spelling, and the misuse/abuse of capital letters leaves one wondering if she passed a single English class.


@-DreamingFirefly- she is misleading people by unuseful proofs


@AitchNKay youre absolutely right. The academia site sends emails curated in such a way to each of its subscribers. Its a marketing technique for them


@-DreamingFirefly- I've blocked both of these accounts on wp and blocked her in person on whattsapp. If she sets one of her other alternate accounts at me or her sycophants, I'll block them, too. 
            I've seen screenshots of her trying to bully a couple of my writer friends (there's a group of 20 or so of us that Isa was a part of). It's not pretty. Or successful. 


There is yet another plagiarist within our midst.

          Yibitozhan (xiao zhan) here on wp has stolen pink-blossoms on X (liebing on AO3) works.
          The woman I spoke about in my previous post? She still hasn't accepted that plagarism is wrong and is antagonizing one of the few mutual friends we have (had?) in common. So. Gloves are off. Anonymity is gone. 


@AitchNKay Thanks for spreading the word!! The more of us that know, the better off we are as a community of writers. ❤️ 


            According to @NebulousCharlie, this is the SAME person. Isa is using two accounts to steal other's work: yibitozhan and NightinglE_in_Dark ( Diti/Isa). I blocked both accounts, and don't care to verify Charlie's info for myself. 


@AitchNKay I truly am sorry this has happened. I don't understand how they think they can get away with this. You all work so hard to bring these stories to life, and for us to enjoy. That they would come behind to take credit is just reprehensible. Know that we support you and the other authors who put their blood, sweat and tears into these stories that mean so much to all of us. Many of them have been re-read many times for they are so  well worth it:-) And I also wish to say thank you for all your wonderful stories too, which I have re-read many times.


          Gusu has hit 100k views!!! 
          I am so happy and humbled and grateful. 




Definitely my favorite. Pretty sure I’ve read it more than a handful of times. It’s become my comfort read now.  Now I just toss my iPhone screen reader on and just let it play it the background of whatever I’m doing.  Congrats Aitch! 


@AitchNKay Congratulations 


My dreams of writing my own story... are delayed. The last month and a half has been... hard. 
          October ended with a death in the family followed by covid (the coughing, utterly exhausted version), followed by pneumonia and an ear infection continued by a persistent cough caused by post nasal drip. Plus, I'm being an adult this fall and getting my adult medical exams done, which added to my exhaustion and stress as well. 
          Add to that my alter egos have completely left my brain cavern? They're not even bothering to let me know where they're vacationing! 
          Well... it all ads up to me not writing a lot. And what I'm writing isn't ready for publishing yet. It will be.... Eventually. Surprisingly, since I'm writing this all by my onsies, it's pretty good if I do say so myself. 


@AitchNKay My thoughts go out to you dear Aitch at such a difficult time. Hope you are well on the road to recovery, and will be delighting us with your work in the not too distant future. ❤️


@AitchNKay sending warm thoughts to you author and take care of your health first. 


@AitchNKay Take care of you first. The words will come when they can. 