
6 month check in since I never write anymore. I end up playing a lot of Apex. How is everyone doing??


@Aizaten well I just reinstalled Wattpad for a specific book how was your Christmas/holiday


Hello :) How is everyone doing


@Aizaten That's good to hear! Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and Advance happy new year! 


@Smexy_Elie doing good. We moved away to a different state by his university and I’m doing online College. We’re really happy though 


@Aizaten Hi! Doing really well. What about you? How are you and the boyfie? 


A boyfriend that treats me right is the best ❤️❤️


@Aizaten oh i did. And then i got into a situationship where he used his phd in psychology to manipulate me to being blind to what he was doing (made me believe he and his fiancé wanted a third but she didnt even know) luckily someone took me out of there and now i’m in an awesome throuple. I live with my gf and we see our bf on weekends. It works and imm safe and happy now.


@ShonaTodoroki drop him immediately at that point 


this message may be offensive
@Aizaten Wish i could relate, but mine has left me on read for 4 fucking weeks. Makes me feel better that they're not all like that.


Something that I am currently working on very  very slowly that may make it out in the world some day in like 10 years ... : (No it's not very good, im exhausted from working a 7 hour shift at my stupid job and somewhat bored without my xbox)
          Opening your mind to a new beginning is difficult at times. It can feel as if everything has either come crashing down or feel as if that next level you’ve been working at for so long has finally been achieved. Although for some, it feels like both have mixed and hit you like a truck. This is the case for Venus. 
          	Twenty-One years in one town, Venus achieved everything she could before finding herself bored of her life. All she ever knew was the town Acrine. It’s comparatively not a well known one, but not necessarily a back roads town either. Venus was born there and raised there. She graduated from High school and went to Acrine Community College, earning a degree in Photography. By the time she had hit the age of Twenty-One, Venus found herself bored of the town she has always called home, along with a few things she preferred to just keep behind her. Within just three months, she moved.
          Venus has come to realize that she is stuck. Although she was able to give herself that next level she has been longing for, she is finding herself stuck. She has enough money to get through a month at her new apartment, not having been able to save too much before with how chaotic she found her life. 
          Venus begins to look for a job within a day at the apartment. She looks for high paying jobs, needing to actually be able to pay bills rather than find herself living pay-check to pay-check. Unfortunately for her, she can’t find anything that has to do with photography. She wants to create her own business someday but doesn’t even have the money to begin to do so. Venus has a crappy camera and a small tripod that she has worn out over the last few years. There are so many things needed just for her to even begin to try to succeed.


@IMostlyTopOtherTops Im assuming youve read at least one of my fanfics with you following me though? Whats the difference (So wish i could use emojis, i got a whole eyebrow raise one i wanna use)


@Aizaten ily but I ain't reading allat


Ya girl finally got upgraded to girlfriend late last night B) 


@Aizaten YAYYYYYY Im happy 4 u <33


Okay so I am a 5'1 short ass girl. Okay, and I'm talking to a guy who's literally 6'5. I forgot one lost my virginity a little less than a year ago to my ex boyfriend (we broke up almost 3 months ago exactly) WELL. The thing is, the height difference with this guy makes some positions hard and i've literally tries googling stuff about height difference sex and all I see is people saying it makes no difference :| Like excuse me? We have a bit of a struggle at times lmao. Maybe its because our experience levels are lower than those online but I swear height makes a difference if the size is a big enough difference XD and A foot and almost a half difference is a big one. This Is a rant about google being unhelpful 


Dude I'm 5'3 and my boyfriend is 6 foot something so yes I relate


@Aizaten Big guys are hot. but I also like short guys




You are a really great book writer, honestly. I've read a lot of your books. Also I think you should do a hawks x reader. With your writing style you would create the perfect hawks story! 
                                   -A fellow fan


@Xenas_crew Thank you! I really appreciate the patience <3


@Xenas_crew Take your time. I'm not going to rush you and I'm sure that you'll get through it!