
Shout-out to Lune community, anyone looking to join a bookclub is welcome there! 


I don't know who needs to hear this, but I was just going down the memory lane and felt the need to say this.
          So what if they get spellings wrong or use wrong expressions? People are supposed to read books for the story BEHIND the words, not just the words themselves.
          A lot of people get discouraged from sharing their beautiful stories everyday because some shallow minded person made them feel like their writing wasn't good enough. 
          To anyone who feels this way, just know that there's no such thing as a bad book, it's not about how you write it, it's about what you're trying to say. Writing is a piece of art, that means it isn't restricted to certain guidelines.
          If you want to write, be it a book, a poem or just random ramblings, go ahead. Of people don't wanna read that's fine too. Writing shouldn't be just about how many people read what you write. It's about how it affected the few that did.
          People read books for various reasons, or at least that's what they say. At the end of the day we all read cause sometimes books feel so much better than real life, because the best thing about not being real, is that anything is possible there.
          Personally I started to write cause I wanted to be able to express myself and share my views of so many things without needing to talk to anyone and being scared of not finding someone who gets it.
          I hope this message gets across to those who need it. I hope you know that there are people who care and are willing to support you. I found that person and I'm so glad I did. I hope you find one too.
          Have a blessed and wonderful day.


It's my birthday! I'm just one year from becoming a legal adult!
          Thanks to anyone who wishes me a great day, even if you don't voice it. You are all blessed.


@thestarsshinedown234  Uhmm actually I'm 20 now . I was 17 when I posted that (a year from being 18 which is the official legal age in my country) but thank you ❤ 


Hey everyone! For anyone who is reading or plans to read my books, just know there won't be an update for a few months due to the fact that I return to boarding school tomorrow . It took us by surprise so I've had to drop everything else and focus on preparing, I'll miss you all. To those who are also returning to school, good luck, we're all gonna need it.


@Ajogefauzia good luck sweedy


@Ajogefauzia Good luck b. Wishing you the best in whatever you do