
okay so fun story... I woke up this morning and opened my computer to do some writing right, and thats when I noticed something... interesting... there was some fan art I had made ONLINE which is funny cause I've never done online fan art before... and ummm so apparently last night at midnight I was like 'haha no one can stop me' and I actually went and did it... It would be good if it wasn't so pixelated haha... I'll post it on pinterest and tag you... There was going to be more as in a hand on his arm but than I got lazy :| or at least that's what I'm assuming happend because I don't really remember doing it. Well. FANART YOU COULDN"T STOP ME BRUH. YOU COULDN'T

            Haha... it's such sh*t lmao. 
            DoNt MaKe FaNaRt At MiDnIgHt KiDs YoU nEeD sLeEp AnD qUaLiTy DrAwInGs
            also u should be on wattpad because you shouldn't have a life and it's 11:00am for u. :(