
Currently unpublishing all my stories, so again, I apologize for the inconvenience. I myself hate discontinued stories and I don't want anyone reading it only to be disappointed that I'll probably never continue again. But anyway, have a nice day. 


Currently unpublishing all my stories, so again, I apologize for the inconvenience. I myself hate discontinued stories and I don't want anyone reading it only to be disappointed that I'll probably never continue again. But anyway, have a nice day. 


I moved accounts to my very recent following person which is (@Kait_Cecil), so I will probably be very inactive in this account again since it's been a year since I checked up on it. So until further notice, all my stories will unfortunately now be discontinued, I apologize for the inconvenience. 


Please note that I will only be updating one book now, that of which is the Naruto book. But besides that, also take note that I only update the book when I am on my school bus and will NOT be doing it any other time, so updates may be slow. Thank you and goodbye.


Y'all sorry to say this but, I think I want to quit making stories. Don't get me wrong, but I appreciate the amount of support I've been getting on them. It's just that when I write the stories, I have difficulty getting motivation to continue writing. So, I am deeply sorry to say this, but I hope you guys have an excellent day or night. And remember, it's a choice to live life to it's fullest


Apologies about not updating frequently on either of my books. I'm dealing with something at the moment and will be busy until then. I hope you understand that I will NOT be updating ANY stories until further notice. Thank you for all the support you all have given me though.