Oh my god!! Thanks for the follow!! And also I really love reading youe Bouei-bu fanfic! IoRyu ftw x"D I just started watching Bouei-bu and I'm also halfway to finishing season 2 of the anime. (lol idk why i'm telling you this lol) And have to say, reading your Bouei-bu fanfic made me love Atsushi more!! (you helped me choose my favourite character since I'm stuck with En and Kin-chan) Anyways, I look forward for more updates on the Bouei-bu fanfic!! ↖(^▽^)↗
@ _KiyooYoo_ Thank you ^-^ that means a lot. I'm glad you liked it and I'm happy that I helped you choose who your favourite character is . However, I might take some time to write the next chapter since school started for me recently so I haven't had much time. Thanks again though. It means a lot for me to know that someone enjoys it. ☺