
New chapter... The story needs support. I hope you like it Akino 


Hi everyone...... I don't really know why I can no longer continue writing in the story of my little omega or publish the chapters that I wrote in the other stories... I posted a chapter in the story of my unconditional love... The chapter I wrote over 20 days ago and published it only today. The story is beautiful and I hope you like it.  ...I am waiting for your opinion on it.... Thank you, with all my love❤❤ Akino ❤❤


Hi How are you doing ? can you please update your story my little Omega please I am waiting for long time please love this story ❤️❤️


@AkinoKhedim it's ok I will waiting 


@ShraddhaK5 so sorry for don't updating.... But I'm back... The new chapter is ready I just need up some photos ❤❤I'm so glad that you like my story ❤❤thank you so much 


I apologize... I apologize for the delay in updating new chapters in my stories, because I've been through difficult times during the past months... But I'm fine.... I will start writing in a few days... New chapters and I will try to finish the collection of stories...  So I apologize again and I hope you enjoy my stories... All the love, appreciation and thanks for supporting and voting