Look at me everyone who has read one of your books reads the other no matter what you write we will always love you so don’t start over we believe in you you can get over this akira1508 we are here for you if you need anything just ask ok
Look at me everyone who has read one of your books reads the other no matter what you write we will always love you so don’t start over we believe in you you can get over this akira1508 we are here for you if you need anything just ask ok
If I ever start writing again I would like to have an editor so please if anyone’s interested and has free time to fix grammar errors and etc please send me a message if possible I would like to have two or three people so that I can fix my old stories along with current. Thanks guys
Sorry guys the truth is I'm kinda bored of my blood kiss book and mated to a werewolf books but I'm got a lot of stuff planed until I find the right inspiration but I am looking for a anime artist .
@Akira1508 really? I really love ur " mated to a werewolf bxb mpreg" bk❤❤❤I really like the idea of two different Grp ppl come together.....pls continue ur passion? N I'll support your decision cos I like how u write your story cos ur storyline doesn't jumble up AMD the timeline flow nicely. Gd luck with ur new bk