
"Dragons" Is officially up on Amazon! You can get it in paperback or kindle format here:  http://a.co/3EONHfv
          	Thank you all so much for your input and support. I would never have gotten this far without you =)


It's official! I'm self publishing "Dragons"!!!!!!
          I found an editor a few weeks ago and have been working hard to polish off the last few plot holes before I send it in two weeks from now. 
          I also now have a website that I hope to keep updated and will also show options for buying the book when it comes out Fall 2016-Winter 2017
          Thanks so much for all your help and I hope to see you in this new stage of my writing journey!


After working tirelessly at numerous plot holes in my newest book... the first chapter is now ready to read! Thank you for your patience seeing as I promised it to you before April. So head on over there and tell me what you think.
          On another note, "Princess" reached 1K reads this week *cheering*! Thank you all for reading it and getting it up there. Can't wait to see what happens with "Fates" and "Dragons"!


Hey! For all of you "Dragons" and "Princess" fans out there... I'm writing another! As you already know, Princess is the first in the series (followed by Dragons), but not for long. For a while I have been wanting to go back to the very beginning, and this is it! 
          I'm hoping to get enough chapters written so I can start posting in April, although I'll probably upload the prologue before then.
          This is only one of three books that I have in mind at the moment, so I guarantee that this will not be the last you see of me.
          So, if you want to brush up your "ancient history" of my stories... now is the time to do it!


I mentioned before that I was writing a novel for National Novel Writing Month, and today I finished it. Thank you so much for the support, the reads, and votes that you have bestowed upon my pride and joy: Princess in Hiding.
          This was not my work, but ours, collectively. Thank you so much for the votes, reads, the binge reads (its a thing), and the support.
          If you have not checked it out already, I recommend that you do because I put a lot of work into it. 
          Thank you again!


Hey you guys! I am participating in NaNoWriMo this month, and I'm letting you in on the fun. For the month of November I will be updating Hiding in Farvel Forest daily. So, go ahead and  skip over there, check out the Prologue (I'm really excited about it), add it to your library, and join me in this journey as I write out the beautiful prequel to Some Girls Like Dragons (and if you haven't looked at that, do check it out, Princess Scarlet is my pride and joy.).
          Many thanks to you, my followers and supporters, the people that motivate me to do what I do! I can't wait to spend all of November with you!