B-day:May 16

Call me by my name which is _____. You can call me Nany.Hello..... I'm currently writing this.
I'm Mexican-american
I also wanna be part Japanese though:(
Hopefully you like my content!
Have a good day!
No rudeness on me profile please.
I'm not an artist.
I'm just crafty.
Imma musical artist.
I like Michael Jackson's music.
I'm good at math , i'm in an advanced class.
Any questions?
  • RegistriertNovember 10, 2017

Folge ich

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Geschichten von Nany
friends von AkoSete
My friends pretty much write this so ya!
This is me! von AkoSete
This is me!
This is me!
not good!!... von AkoSete
not good!!...
I'm Nany. Hi. this is my novel about...... you'll find out sooner or later.
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