
After a long think and dozens of coffee, I decided to do a major revamp on one of my story!
          	I'm using the old ones as a reference for the new story. I'm gonna publish chapter's probably once a month with the first publish by September 1st!
          	Don't miss the new story!


After a long think and dozens of coffee, I decided to do a major revamp on one of my story!
          I'm using the old ones as a reference for the new story. I'm gonna publish chapter's probably once a month with the first publish by September 1st!
          Don't miss the new story!


Hai, aku kembali, dengan beberapa cerita baru seperti Legacy : Aftermath Of The True Life dan SECRET - Day After Tomorrow
          Aku akan terus update dengan cerita cerita lama, nantikan saja!
          Hey, I'm back with new storjes like 
          - Legacy : Aftermath Of The True Life
          - SECRET - Day After Tomorrow
          I'll keep updating on my recent stories, just wait!


@ reimarksam  there's a few stories that I deleted because it doesn't make any sense at all


@ reimarksam  ada beberapa cerita yang gua hapus soalnya emang kurang menarik dan udh ga ada kelanjutannya


Hai hai, gua kembali walaupun ga sering-sering, lagi libur juga...
          Gua mo lanjut nulis lagi, kali ini sambil update 2 cerita baru juga, Night Knight sama The Cargo
          Janlup dibaca ya~
          Hey hey, i'm back, even it's often but yeah, I'm here, still on holiday
          I'm going to continue my writings, especially on new stories, Night Knight and The Cargo
          Don't forget to read both of them~


Hai, dah lama ni ga jumpa
          Mungkin dalam beberapa bulan ini gua bakal off dari ngetik, soalnya sambil sekolah juga gua. Tenang aja, nanti gua tetep coba lanjut kok cerita kalo gua bisa. 
          Hey, long time no see
          Maybe in a few month or more, I won't updating my stories cause of study. No worries, I will try to keep writing, If I could.
          See ya~