
this message may be offensive
Looking back at all this makes my heart sink. Everyone moved on, and that is nice to see. But for all the assholes that blamed me for a scam I didn't even fucking know about, fuck yourself and never expect to be my friend again. You are lucky I even took time to type this. This sorry piece of shit of an account was abandoned all because of you. You know who you are. You know what you've done to me. So remember me. Forever. The person whom you, you group of losers, ruined. You all ruined me. Now, I will never have a social media account for anything ever again and I really have been going by that rule now, for the asshole who said that I didn't leave this account fully, I did, for years now. Happy now, bitch? Hope you are. For the people who loved me, thank you. Thank you for that, at the time my parents took all my devices away from me in an attempt to shake me in my ways of being gay, but I didn't choose that and you all know it. Have great lives.


this message may be offensive
Looking back at all this makes my heart sink. Everyone moved on, and that is nice to see. But for all the assholes that blamed me for a scam I didn't even fucking know about, fuck yourself and never expect to be my friend again. You are lucky I even took time to type this. This sorry piece of shit of an account was abandoned all because of you. You know who you are. You know what you've done to me. So remember me. Forever. The person whom you, you group of losers, ruined. You all ruined me. Now, I will never have a social media account for anything ever again and I really have been going by that rule now, for the asshole who said that I didn't leave this account fully, I did, for years now. Happy now, bitch? Hope you are. For the people who loved me, thank you. Thank you for that, at the time my parents took all my devices away from me in an attempt to shake me in my ways of being gay, but I didn't choose that and you all know it. Have great lives.


I really miss you, you know. You are an amazing person to be going through things you shouldn't be. For example bullying, I don't understand why anyone would hurt you, you're such a kind, smart, and most likely a beautiful person. I hope you return one day so we talk again it would be the wonderful. But I understand if you don't return just know that all the things you said to me will forevermore be in my heart just like the story you wrote. I'm really sad to see another one of my friends on here go but I'll be alright and  as long as you are too. I'll see you again in the future. Hopefully......


Thank you for following me!


You're very welcome.


            Thanks again it is so appreciated.
            Let's pm it will make it much quicker =^_^=


It's pretty good! I really enjoy the story!


So.... I am going to... um... leave for a long time...
          I won't be active at all....
          and um.... you may never hear from me again....
          from anywhere...
          so... anyone who wants to say goodbye to me...
          they can...
          *sniffs* bye world....
          *coughs* I said nothing...