Welp, the gig is up... We feel we've kept you in the dark for long enough at this point...when this started back in...oh my goodness when did this even start I can't remember XD, it was a simple challenge set in place by "Mayhem"'s friends to see if she could pull off having a secret alter-ego for longer than Marinette AKA Ladybug and not manage to give herself away in an astounding show of fireworks. It worked. For three months, no one could guess... And then "Equalizer" came along and unraveled the greatest of my clues and figured out who I was, thus joining the ranks and making this a joint account. We have decided that the charade should finally come to an end, so thank you to those of you who actively participated on this activity, it was a fun learning experience and I think I can say it was fun for everyone involved XD "TIME TO DEEVILIZE!" So...signing on for the first official time... Mayhem: @KatWingfree (@EveryWhichWayzz) Equalizer: @-THATONEFANGURL- So, yes, hello officially and thank you for participating :) I hope you aren't mad at our little deception for it was all in good fun and...who knows? Maybe we'll do this again some day *wink wink*

@Chickengirl250 @Henneth-Annun XD well who knows, maybe something might pop up again...