
Hey guys. I’m so sorry but idk when my book will be out. I just started working and I have long hours and I’m to tired to do anything else. Yesterday I took a 2 hour nap and was still tired after I woke up. Thursday I’m off so hopefully I can work on some of it then


Hey guys. I’m so sorry but idk when my book will be out. I just started working and I have long hours and I’m to tired to do anything else. Yesterday I took a 2 hour nap and was still tired after I woke up. Thursday I’m off so hopefully I can work on some of it then


Okay so. I’ve decided to rewrite my entire book ‘Adopted By The Avengers’ I’ve been having this problem lately where I can’t think of anything to write but actually his book I’m writing a lot. So yea. It still follows the same kinda plot the other one was. Sorta. You’ll see. 


Okay so maybe some will tell maybe some people won’t but I unpublished my newest book “Adopted By The Avengers” because I don’t like how I don’t have a schedule I’m just kind of uploading whenever so I decided that I’m going to write my whole book and then upload maybe like 2 or 3 times a week. If any of you guys need anything. Feel free to message me


Guysssssss!!!!! New Books is in the works! It’s not about Logan Paul or any other youtuber. It’s just a story that I want to write. Just want to have fun while writing. I miss writing and I have such a fun time writing my stories. Soooo I’m making a comeback!!!