
Hey everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful morning. I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and comments on my dystopian survival story “Cold.” All of your kind words are keeping me inspired and I want you to know big things are coming! Be sure to check out part 3 which I released today. I hope you have as much fun reading as I am writing it!


Hey everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful morning. I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and comments on my dystopian survival story “Cold.” All of your kind words are keeping me inspired and I want you to know big things are coming! Be sure to check out part 3 which I released today. I hope you have as much fun reading as I am writing it!


I just read the first 2 chapters of your book :)
          I hope you continue to write, I am hooked ;)


Thank you so much! This is my first story on here so I am excited to have such positive feedback. I just dropped part three! All of you are keeping me inspired