
New story out now.
          	*(Amy and Ty's New Life. ( Part 2 )*


have you written the sequel to the accident yet


@AlanTaylor11854 I
            I am so sorry.  You are in my thoughts and prayers


@cryptotech Sorry,  my disease is no longer in remission and is very active. I've been working on a new story over the last 6 months. It's been very difficult and on the last chapter now. It's bout 26,000 words, probably more.  Could be the last for a time, as need hospital to get thing's under control.  


Hi Alan. I hope you are well? I know you have health problems and there has not been a peep on your stories (which I love) or on your conversations for a while. Are you ok? And is there  anything on the horizon for us. Regards and thanks


@Colleenzeiss ... Hello . 
            Things aren't good, I'm afraid. Disease is no longer in remission, and I saw a consultant two weeks ago who said it's very active . Chemo injections have been increased, and going on a new biological drug to try and get it under control .
            I've been working on a new, totally new type of Heartland story for the last 6 months, which has been difficult.  It's completely different as a Heartland  story. On the last chapter and up to just over 26,000 words, will be last one until they get me back in remission or get it under control.  So pleased you like my stories .  Thank you. 


I just read you description on how you retired on the 16th!! That is so exciting!! I retired on the 26th June 2020!! After 25 yrs of military service! 
          I love to read your stories whether they are new or old! I have reread a lot of them  more than a few times! 
          Thank you for your time and effort with writing these stories! I enjoy them immensely! 


@Rick88754 Thank you Rick, I'm glad you enjoy my stories. Wow, 25 yrs of military service , I imagine  you have seen some things over the 25 yrs. 
            My Father was in the Royal Airforce and before I was born he was posted in Egypt in the very late 1940s early 1950s during the Suez Canal war or incident.  He walked out of his Tent to go and see my Mum whom he'd met and was courting. 5 mins Later his Tent exploded from a morter round. .
            I've rewritten a couple of story's,  but I'm hoping there not sounding alike. Apparently that can happen. 
            I have 3 stories on the go at present. 
            Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated .


there was story I really liked where Amy was in a wheelchair and couldn't work with horses any more and took up photography do you reminder the title also her father tried to claim he was her agent


I remember that story, but I also remember it not being finished. I too would love to read that story! 


@cryptotech your wish is my command ✨️  


yes would love to read it again


Hi Alan, I'm wondering if you wrote a story where Tim wouldn't give up the rodeo when Marion asked him to so she found comfort with someone else and got pregnant with Amy. Amy's biological father was killed in a suspicious car accident. As it was only Marion, Jack and Tim knew the truth about Amy's father them Marion and Amy had there accident.  I think towards the end of the story Amy had to get away from Heartland and Ty rented a place in I believe it was Bragg Creek. Does this sound like one of your stories?


Thank you! Anything new coming? I have read all of your stories more than once. Keep up the good writing!


@cmiddleton24  Unfortunately I do not have a back up. But don't worry, I just asked my friends in a reading group I was allowed to Join as they all love my stories and someone remembered the name of the Story. Have just checked and it is the correct story.
            ** JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS  **
            Enjoy x


Thank you. It's to bad they do that, any chance you will repost it?