
Omg its been a while. Had to cancel Europe vaca due to pandemic. Will be going hopefully this summer or in december time. Hope u lovely people are well and healthy. 
          	Love yourself be yourself


im going to be honest watt is not the same. For last few days I come to see if books are updated or any news or anything but somehow felt lost. Friends have gone and by now I feel after 4 years that it's time to move on. Idk if I'm going crazy or time of the month. But it just feels dull. I can't pretend its not there and bothering me. Maybe going away for bit will do
          See yall later 
          -❤❤❤Love yourself
                            Be yourself


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So I had a convo wth a friend. And she said something that stuck. "You can't go thinking the world is rainbow and sunshines".
          I told that friend, "well I can't go around thinking the world is all fucked up and that all people are bad".
          People all around the world have many struggles from no arms or legs to a long-term illness. Yet their still able to kick ass everyday. People inspiring me and millions of others. Who don't give zero fucks for it. Not letting whatever they have and get through life head on. 
          Look at the people who are born different on Barcroft tv and tell me what u think about these people with certain conditions and how they live their daily lives. 
          If they still kick ass and fight their conditions. You can get through conditions such ass physical reasons or mental health reasons. 
          Love yourself
             Be yourself ❤❤❤


@DanaeDaniels love you mom❤❤


I don't know if everyone feels this way when their turning a certain age or it's just a me thing. When I woke up this morning I felt weird or scared almost. I turned 17 today, and just by saying this I'm scared and I dont know why? Maybe, I'm dwelling because of the future that's coming up. But I try not to think of it and try to be grateful for right now. I have a supporting a and loving mom and supportive, amazing friends who look out for me. I couldn't ask for anything else but it just feels so not normal. Maybe something is wrong with me idk. I had to rant sorry yall. 
          Love yourself be yourself 


I'm dealing with a crazy bitch y'all she bout lose to it


@Negan-Dean-Morgan I am. I'm making her a oneshot


@DanaeDaniels woooww. That's alot


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I love  this fucking theme y'all. Feeling the dark vibes thank you so much @Soundtracks23.  A queen of taking themes.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Geek_Girl2030 hehe that was the inspiration 


Or maybe it’s the profile pic XD


Reminds me of Demon Dean! ❤️