
bye guys! goodbye goes this account!


          I repeat NO ONE REPLY!!!
          Explaination- my mum has access to my email through her computer so she can acces my email. I get an email for every wattpad notification, therefore, she has access to my wattpad. So- hehem! ABORT!!! I am swithing over to a new account through another email. This is the 24-hour warning before DELETION(did I spell that right?) I will post the new account info tomorrow when I wake up.


I know pretty much no one reads these conversations, but i want to ask anyone who does for advice.
          -I may or may not have kissed someone  i like on the cheek as i said goodbye today and im not sure what there reaction was, or rather if it was a bad or good reaction.
          -Also i just found out that Loki is technically genderfluid since he can take any form and that in (I think) the show, he is bi and straight (But like not) up admits it. and i officially love it! also he's totally a bottom in my opinion.
          -Im finally giving in to my brother and dads nagging about watching marvel (I, myself, am a dc fan) and so ive started a marathon and am going through all of marvel's movies in chronological order. 
          -im on iron man 3 at this point.


yes, i looked the moment up on utube. also, what is OMGGGG WAS IT HIM?!?!?! refering to?


@AlayaDarktail OMGGGG WAS IT HIM?!?!?!??! wait Loki js what??? that's actually an entire revelation to me. Iron Man 3 is awesome. :)) I read all your posts!! don't worry, the same thing happens to me a lot


i am debating which ship to write for the damn library next! what do yall think?
          fitz x dex
          biana x sophie
          sophie x sophia
          bronte x noland
          cassius x elwin


do we want the middle or start of those relationships?


@AlayaDarktail all of these sound good! I would say either Fitz x dex or Cassius x elwin! keep up the good work!


u were the one who requested fitz and dex. cassius and elwin i think would be really funny and cute, and sophia is my oc. im writing a fanfic about when she is found. (takes place after stellarlune) she's a psionipath, empath, and guster.


i sent my dad and image of captain jack black (From pirates of the caribean) that says; I'm not drunk, I'm just speaking in cursive. 
          Dad: You've never seen me drunk
          Me:im not wrong tho am i
          Dad:Now you aren't
          Me: I knew it
          Dad: (no response)


im now realizing its jack sparrow not jack black


I'm going to try to update The Damn Library tomorrow! It should be Gisela and Councillor Alina! Don't ask me why I ship Councillors with anyone. I know it's forbidden, I just love writing forbidden romance. Should I include smut in the one after that? If I do, it might not be good... I've literally never written smut before, but there's a first time for everything!


Hi hi ^^
          Do you still want some writing tips :D


            5. Make sure you have a good paragraph structure! Start a new paragraph whenever a different character is speaking, or a new topic that you are moving onto starts. 
            Before: Gia examined the opened cupboard in disbelief, turning Dante who was looming over next to her. “Nothing,” Gia commented with a sigh. “Right,” Dante replied, running a hand through his auburn hair. “Let’s move on, then.” Together, the two exited the room, a little disheartened, and moved on to the next they were required to search. 
            After: Gia examined the opened cupboard in disbelief, turning Dante who was looming over next to her. 
            “Nothing,” Gia commented with a sigh.
            “Right,” Dante replied, running a hand through his auburn hair. “Let’s move on, then.” 
            Together, the two exited the room, a little disheartened, and moved on to the next they were required to search. 


            3. Make sure to use descriptive language and varied sentence styles whenever describing something! It shouldn’t just be included in a setting paragraph, but all throughout when the characters are in the plot. Try to use varying sentence styles and punctuation to maintain interest and fluency. 
            Before: Ada walked into the antique store, looking at an old necklace that she thought was pretty.
            After: Sniffling due to the dust that was invading her nose, Ada sauntered into Mrs. John’s antique store—examining the gloriously packed isles for anything that might peek her interest. 
            4. Make sure to go back and edit anything that you wrote!! Make sure there are no errors, and read your work aloud. Make sure that there are commas and full stops in the correct places, whenever starting a new sentence or when you yourself takes a pause when reading. 
            Before: Tom stumbled over the vine poking out of the cobblestone road cursing under his breath as he fell and scraped the skin of his knee against the rough sharp rocks
            After: Tom stumbled over the vine poling out of the cobblestone road, cursing under his breath as he fell and scraped the skin of his knee against the rough, sharp rocks. 


            1. When writing, you should do your best beforehand to establish your setting and character circumstances before any action. Describe briefly in a paragraph where the character is, what there aim is, how the feel, etc. :D
            2. When your characters are interacting with each other or their environment, its important to establish their personality while doing. Certain characters will say things in ways that others won’t, and thats the same for doing an action. 
            Eg. If a character sees someone has taken their seat at a table they might demand that they move if they are confident/arrogant. If they are more shy and polite, they might sit in a different seat and say nothing to the person.