
Hey everybody, the M!A is only going to be up for three more days so get your questions in fast.
          	Remember that I'm playing Wales for this and I'm sorry I didn't get the video up the weather has been really bad and I have only just found my tripod last night. I might go film it now.


Hey everybody, the M!A is only going to be up for three more days so get your questions in fast.
          Remember that I'm playing Wales for this and I'm sorry I didn't get the video up the weather has been really bad and I have only just found my tripod last night. I might go film it now.


We may or may not have a M!A coming up, so look out for that.
          Megh will be taking over playing Wales for the whole time we have the M!A.
          If you want to ask the twins a question then ask them before 16 o'clock New Zealand. (That's four in the afternoon for all of you who don't know how to 24hour time)


'Ello, it's Megh {The one which is on 80% of the time}, I'm in a roleplay mood so anybody want to? Just have a look at the ask book if you are wonder who I play but I don't remember if it said anything about my Welsh OC, if it doesn't then I also have my own Welsh OC who isn't as half as good as Len's Welsh twins.
          I'm always up for a good roleplay so send me a message here or at @Riverwar to contact me, just remember that there are two people here so remember to say our name so we know who you are wanting to talk to.


Hello peoples, Megh here.
          Anybody up for a roleplay? I understand it's either getting really late, you just woke up or your at school but still. I'm bored as hell so just PM me if you do, I roleplay England and Scotland, maybe Northern Ireland but I haven't finished him yet so don't count on it.


Admin Riverwar here, Me and you my co are planning a Celtic myth based RP book and reply to this post is you are interested and don't forget to send the lovely Celtic nations a question or maybe even ask us admins.
          I'm always just for a good riddle.
          From ya weird Celtic punk friend, Megh.


{{ quiet it is....oh me oh my how bored I am- 
          ~Yuuki }}
          N. Wales: =w= Let's prank random people-
          Ireland: ....Did I hear the call of mischief?
          S. Wales: ^^; How about.... let's not? How about-
          Ireland: I swear Dylan, if you suggest something to do with music I'll scream.
          Welsh Bros: D: How is that a bad thing?
          Ireland: .....You're passion for music is as almost bad as your obsession for rugby :'D IT'S HIGHLY AMUSING BUT CAN GET ANNOYIN' REAL QUICK- especiallywhenyoutwoconstantlysing24/7andturnintocompletelydifferentpeoplewhenthesportisinvolved...sOOO-
          N. Wales: You're just jealous~
          Ireland: No, not really. Ain't anything to be jealous of; dear older brothers.
          S. Wales: Did he just-
          N. Wales: ( O u O ) Sick 'em, Gelert.
          -and end-
          yeah I have no clue wtf I just typed


{{ Admin @maboroshi_ online at the moment! I'm known mostly as Okami or Yuuki these days~ 
          Today I'll be attempting at posting a work in which we'll have the character bios/information. I might also attempt at some sort of profile later on. Dunno about that part. Well, feel free to chat if ya want. }}