Hellooooooo!~ Woah, numele meu este Alexandra si scriu tot felul de fanfic-uri (daca am timp). Sunt o persoana 4D si imi place sa fac lumea sa rad. Imi plac panda :3 Culoarea mea favorita este turcoaz si nu imi place muzica din tara mea, cu mici exceptii. Ascult K-pop, majoritatea timpului petrecandu-mi-l in fata PC-ului uitandu-ma la ei O_O Sunt o perversa si jumatate, dar imi arat aceasta latura doar cu prietena mea cea mai buna ^^ Sper sa va placa "povestioarele" mele. Majoritatea o sa aiba multa, multa actiune. Daca nu o sa va placa, doriti ceva mai diferit, spuneti-mi!~ Sunt foarte sarcastica, uneori nici eu nu stiu daca glumesc sau spun adevarul, asa ca..

Annyeonghaseyo!~ Woah, my name is Alex and I write a lot of fanfics ( if I have time). I'm a 4D person and I like to make people laugh. I love pandas :3 My favorite colour is turqoise and I don't like the music from my country, with a few exceptions. I listen to K-pop, spending most of my time looking at them on Tumblr O_O I'm a perv, but this "dark" side is the one that I show only to my kokoro (best friend ^^) I hope you'll enjoy my little stories. Most of them will have a lot of action. If you won't like it, if you'll like something different, tell me!~ I'm very sarcastic, sometimes I even don't know if I'm joking or I'm telling the truth, so...

Va iubesc!~
I love you!~
  • Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Mehedinti, Romania
  • JoinedDecember 22, 2013


Story by Ale