
Hey guys, I'm currently taking a break from Mace Windu: A Star Wars Story. I'm editing some stuff and will republish it down the road when I have more time. (Maybe Christmas break?) As for now, I'm working on a Game of Thrones inspired medieval fantasy series that is in the early stages of being written. Hoping to publish the first two chapters soon! (One is a prologue.)


Hey guys, I'm currently taking a break from Mace Windu: A Star Wars Story. I'm editing some stuff and will republish it down the road when I have more time. (Maybe Christmas break?) As for now, I'm working on a Game of Thrones inspired medieval fantasy series that is in the early stages of being written. Hoping to publish the first two chapters soon! (One is a prologue.)


I'm plugging away and currently proofreading Mace Windu: A Star Wars Story! I'm also planning out a new sci fi series (or post apocalyptic) that is inspired by Game of Thrones, but not based in a medieval type setting. I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan as well but what I love about Game of Thrones compared to other series is that it's more than just two factions going at each other, it's dozens if not hundreds! We need more of that to keep a story interesting. If you guys have any ideas let me know, I'd love to hear them!


Hey everyone, I hope you’re enjoying Mace Windu: A Star Wars Story! My goal is to publish at least two chapters per week, and I do plan on finishing this story. I don’t know how many chapters there will be, especially since it’s still so early in the story. I have another story I may be releasing while I’m working on this one but I haven’t decided yet.