
I just read your Genderfluid or Transgender book thingy, that's probs not even what it's called lol, and if I'm honest with myself... I'm not genderfluid as I don't necessarily identify as two different genders depending on how I'm feeling but I'm not 100% one gender either. I was born a girl but I've always fit in with the boys and thought of myself as a "tom boy". I didn't think much of it til I went bra shopping with my mom and felt disgusting, like everything about this situation was wrong. After that I did some more research here and there and realized that I didn't associate myself with being a girl, I wanted to be me... I wanted to be Maxx but at the same time, I don't feel completely male. It's more so like a super flamboyant gay boy, you know? So kinda feminine but still a boy. And I think that's what confuses everyone the most because I'm still attracted to boys (and sometimes girls, depending) but I'm over here saying that I'm I'm a boy. Idk I honestly just hate my life, it's too damn confusing


@MaxxHood keep your head up hun I know it's hard but keep pushing forward you will make it and you will be happy in the end!