Aleia Rose-Vialia is not my name, but Vialia is an anagram of my first name. I usually go by the pen name Elizabeth Vialia.

My age is between 14 and 18. It is also between 15 and 18. However, legiterally EVERYONE thinks I'm their age.

Sign: Sagittarius.
I was born on a Monday. Around lunchtime. My poor mother.
I share a birthday with Britney Spears and Charlie Puth!

You cannot succeed by focusing on your failures, but you will always fail by not learning from them.
  • Quarantine :/ wonk wonk
  • JoinedMarch 15, 2020


Last Message
Aleia_Rose-Vialia Aleia_Rose-Vialia Jun 07, 2020 11:30PM
I may or may not have posted something today...honestly considering deleting this app though
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