First of all, I would like to apologize in advance.
I will not be able to update 2 chapters at least. I really am sorry (more like, I'm talking to myself), because I cannot let my grades suffer.
We have an upcoming exam on 18th and 19th of July, Monday and Tuesday, next week, and it my First Monthly exam since I became a ninth grader. So this is very important.
I have not written a single draft yet, but to anyone who believes in not only Exist for Me but also my ability as a writer, I will update as soon as the exam ends (yep, I'm talking to myself again).
I really like my story, 'cause even I, don't know how will it turn out, I mean when I write (more like, type) it just flows like that.
Plus, what I really hate about rushed stories are half-assed updates. I really really hate and despise that. I mean, when you feel like writing, why not give it your all? Why make it half-assed? Like, srysly, that's NOT gonna sastify the READERS and more importantly, YOURSELF.
And that's why I try my best to avoid it ( 'cause Exist for Me is not my first story, it's just the first I really pursued).
And, I, once again, am ranting (peace!!).
That's all :)