I am feeling weird at the moment. Idk if I am happy at the decision I am taking or not. Most of me is feeling happy, but that little part of me is still attached to the stories I started. It feels heavy to be deleting them now as I am getting my new start. I have lost my ability to continue writing these stories even though I wished to. A new start means letting go of something. And here I am, letting go of the start of my writing career.
I don't have readers, I don't have followers, but I am still thankful to those people that found the interest in my stories. Even if they were just a few, it still made me happy a lot.
I am starting my new journey soon and if you guys are reading this, I need your full support and blessings.
Starting soon with a new story and I'll be constant with it.
Thank you so much, if you made it through my boring message!