
This time of year....I hate college. All these finals!!! Driving me crazy!


If you haven't already, then you need to go check out this story one of my friends, @TessArterton, is writing! It's called 'At This Moment' and it's promising to be amazing. <3 
          The perk is that she's attempting to finish it before Christmas Day! 
          We all know how hard it is to stay focused, but with comments and votes and reads we can encourage her to keep going!  
          Read her book and let me know when you read and comment and vote if you liked it and then I'll read one of yours! <3
          Here's the link:
          Don't forget to let me know when you do! 


I have to apologize for the lack of updates. I have the chapters written but it's all shotty and I want it to be better before I post and I'm sure you do too. 
          My time has been filled beyond measure with studies thanks to Uni starting back up again. I hope you all understand and I hope that you'll stick with me and continue reading my stories. <3 


are you still working on Call Me Knight? If so, when will there be an update?


Hello! Yes I am! :) I'm not sure I can give you a date...scheduled-probably within the next two weeks--but if I randomly get a burst of inspiration then it could be over one night. So..soon?


So since I'm getting so much incredible feedback for a new chapter on 'Like Crazy' and 'International Eye' (You guys are awesome!) I'm updating those books hopefully this week!!! 
          Chasing Victoria, Girl with the Red Umbrella, and Classified are next. :) 