

          We are living in the end of times only people understand can read this message. Because I know there are true believers on this platform who understand real life and common sense is gone out of your schools.
          Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you from there tyranny even against people that are close to you who are telling you lies. There lies of the devil and questioning these things are bad.
          Where is the common sense when you send truth videos and there flagged and taken down off of youtube I see that when people get scared over the truth they come and try there best patch up the cracks leaking in this dark staged matrix we live in. This is nothing more than a Television show in real life for the elite powers controlling everything to keep you unaware and in the dark. I been telling people for years that Christmas is Satanic but no one listen, I put a video link up and the YouTube video and the channel from that person was taken down speaking about Crampus the Christmas demon is that Christmas spirit, I'm warning God's children about from the old times. You see what I'm talking about about they don't want you to know the truth.
          Well they can't take this one down, because this is the best place to get you truth from.



May this video speak for itself. I'm going to sit in a corner process this although I never got any shots since 2020 now it 2022 and things are turning upside down from here and soon it going to creep closer and closer into your lives til hit you in the face, please someone out there who see my message please pass this video link around out there and watch it.


I'm not sure if anyone will come across these messages or my links but I'll do what I must to bring people to the truth. I'll do my best to enlighten those around me with truth about what is being done to the people of this world using videos and messages to bring truth to those who are willing to understand and listen. People are becoming more asleep and it's time for those with understanding to wake up and look at the signs of the time. 


          My wordings can't reach everyone on this platform because large portions of people don't listens to me because it all about fans and friends here, but I'll try my best to get people to the truth as much as I can who are close by who have brain and use it to think outside the box of this matrix we live in. There are fans of the truth somewhere here and I believe you'll make the perfect decision in following Christ and rejecting this world system.
          Hosea 4:6
          My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, l will also forget thy children.


I have one thing to report they you need to know. I once believed the earth was flat seeing online videos stating there opinions. I need to get this of my chest and I want to say I was deceive. Now I'm to sticking with a ball shape earth in outer space, but know that I reached this point in time messaging this I feel like I'm a little to late. Let's make this clear we must not be miss lead of topic when in it come to Jesus Christ. I want everyone to know I make many mistakes and there nothing wrong with messaging these mistakes. We are not all perfect.