
Looks like I'm back after yet another hiatus. So much has changed, but know that I will be updating my stories soon! 


I'm baaaaack (again!) A lot of things have changed since I've been gone. However, I am happy to announce I have more works in progress, more chapters to works I already have, and a bit of time on my hands to get some writing done! I just noticed someone was concerned about my absence and just wanted to say I am okay and sorry for disappearing! I've missed you all and can't wait to get back in the saddle! 


Hello, everyone!  I have returned to Wattpad after a VERY long hiatus--a lot longer than I meant it to be-- and I have seen a lot of requests to continue on with my writing.  So, in the next few days, I will be posting the next chapter to "The Murder of Grace Thompson."  So sorry to have disappeared, but it's good to be back! :)


@AriaNAhmer I've been playing for a long time as well! I'm not exactly sure when, but I think I was 4 or 5.  :)  I LOVED OOT on the N64; played it constantly and then after I beat it, I would just run around lol! :) TP is amazing.  It's just a beautiful game.  :)  If you do, I would love to read it! :) 


I love TP and OOT too! ive been playing since i was 2 ^.^ OOT for N64 was my first game ^.^ I'm playing TP for the 62nd time..literally <xD wish it was a book ^.^ i was going to write the bookversion maybe sometime myself