
Hi everyone! Just letting you all know that I've updated my @ name from my old one @vampyrekat95 to @alexthelazykat which is the name I have on all of my social media accounts! Just to make things easier for myself and others that follow me elsewhere!


Every one shares the same name on Wattpad. Alexander is from my middle name. Where did you get Alexander? :)


@Tavros_Handicap i named myself Alexander xD my birth name is 'Ally' which is usually a nickname for people called Alex Alice Alison Alexandra etc so i just lengthened it to one of them and as im a transguy i picked Alexander xD


Okay! I am going to reply to each comment now! Can't tell you the siZe of the smile on my face to see your comments 


@Vampyrekat95 you're the one to talk haha


@WiltingLili haha xD my notifications are going cray cray xD im glad you like my comment♡♥


I just finished uploading the little kids picture book I wrote in grade 5 'Smellys Stinky Problem!' xD my grammar and spelling back then was waaaaaay bad! But guys check it out! it'll only take 10 minutes max to read it and look at the images! x