Now this is a story all about how my life got flip turned upside down and I'd like to take a moment so just sit right there I'll tell you how a became the prince of a town called bel air
@ melaninstayrelevant These days the n word gets used for comedy purposes all the time and if she says she isn't a racist then she ISN'T. I have a black friend and I'm allowed to call her the n word if i want to and I'm white. So if you could please just stop getting so fucking butthurt about a joke that would be gucci.
Look I am one of the most nonracist people you will ever meet. Any kind of discrimination I am against but I just used it as a joke so calm your tits. I'm sorry to have offended you but I used the word for comedy purposes for this book. I'm not and never will be a racist white pig because I hate discrimination and I hate how society still stereotypes all races and sexualities. If you want to think I'm racist or am discriminating you then go ahead but I know and my friends know that I am definitely not racist or discriminating.
Actually anyone has the right to say nigga since it is no longer the 1800's and offensive towards black people. Us humans use nigga as a word all the time but we don't mean it towards offense. We call each other niggas as friends sometimes other meanings but anyone has the right to say nigga no matter the race.
Ok guys so lately I have been getting a lot of requests to put up photos and videos for my digitour story because they don't believe it actually happened. Trust me when I was there I thought it was a dream myself and had major pcd for about three weeks. The reason I don't have any pictures up yet is because my mom refuses to let me take her phone backstage with me and I didn't have my iPod atm. But my friend Haylee has pictures and videos from that whole night and I will be getting and posting them on the story soon.