Olá caros leitores, primeiramente queria vim aqui pedir desculpas por entrar em um longo hiatus. Mas com notícias boas, irei voltar a trabalhar em "Inferno de Rose" e finalizar a história da nossa protagonista. Novamente, peço perdão. Pra mais informações e atualização me sigam no Instagram. @alexa_cazuza
@ Alexa_Cazuza Hello Alexa!: First of all, it gives me great joy to know that you are in good health and spirit. I already started following you on Instagram. I understand perfectly, what you had to do, focus your energies on yourself!. Remember, as long as you have HEALTH, LIFE AND INTERNET! I will wait patiently for the conclusion of the story. I send you a huge and gigantic hug full of positive energy for you and all your Loved Ones. Sincerely: A fan of the Vampire Academy stories.