❝People fall in love with a person not a gender❞

❝Just 'cause YOU ARE RIGHT
it doesn't mean I'M WRONG.
You just haven't seen life
from my point of view❞

❝The greatest prison
The people live in is
The fear of what
Other people think❞

❝There's no such a thing as fate. It's simply a combination of one circumstance with another. And who is it that creates those circumstances?❞
۵Kamishiro Rise 『Tokyo Ghoul』

whose STORY hasn't been TOLD❞

❝Lay down And die Or get up And fight❞

❝TIMES doesn't HEAL anything
It just TEACHES us how to live with PAIN❞

❝Fear is like fire, If you can CONTROL it, it can cook for you, it can heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything and DESTROY you. Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy.❞
✯Suzuka Juuzou『Tokyo Ghoul:re』

❝Give a man a mask and he will become his true self❞

❝I'm not lazy
I'm just highly motivated to do nothing❞

❝Life asked death:
「Death, why do people love me, but hate you?"」
Death responded:
「 Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful thruth」❞

❝Punta alla luna, male che vada, avrai vagabondato tra le stelle❞
ꕥLes Brown

❝I cuori non saranno mai una cosa pratica finché non ne inventeranno di infrangibili.❞
『Dal Film il mago di Oz』

❝Biochimicamente, l'amore è come mangiare grandi quantità di cioccolato.❞

ꕥ━Alice in wonderland━ꕥ

❝How do you run from what's inside your head?❞

❝-This is impossible
-Only if you think it is❞

❝The mad hatter: 'Have I gone mad?'
Alice: 'I'm afraid so.
You're entirely Bonkers.
But I'll tell you a secret
All the best people are'❞

❝I'm not crazy my reality is just different than yours❞

❝Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality❞

❝We're all mad here❞❞

❝Alice: 「How long is forever?」
White rabbit: 「Sometimes times just a second」❞

Tall boys
With cute laughs
Deep voices
And messy hair.
  • Se ha unidoApril 4, 2019

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