The new cover took me maybe a straight two hours to finish. I love the result though! Better than the last, in my opinion. It took a lot of time drawing those tattoos on the lovely man on there.
@AnnotatedMadness Aww, you're so precious! I just adore you- thank you so much. I can't wait to continue my work knowing someone appreciates it so much <3
@no_suicide While I don't have a Twitter, I would totally do that if I could. I'm sorry to say I have 1 follower so far cx when I do, I will be sure to give you a shout out
@AlexanderRushing if you are on Twitter please follow the campaign at _nosuicide.
Kindly help me grow this campaign. Can you please ask your Wattpad friends too follow the campaign on both Wattpad and Twitter. It would mean a lot. :)