Oh boy someone tagged me with this thing so now I have to do the thing them maybe not sure. :/
Dear Ex, I never liked you
Dear self, hi sexy
Dear dad, get better at building in Minecraft
Dear mom, I love you more
Dear crush, I ask you but you denied me and we are still friends :D :D
Dear school, get these iPads out of the student faces and let us learn
Dear sibling, quit punching me. Im the old sibling I'm suppose to do thatI'm the oldest brother
Dear past me, *cringes*
Dear future me, *cringes slightly less*
Dear Guy best friend, get active on Nationstates mate (Telegram me, Im Reserka)
Dear girl best friend, I met you on a MmO wow
Dear Future child, I actually had a child o-O
Dear person I hate, get real
Dear person I love, get fabulous
Dear ex best friend, who? I don't remember
Dear future wife/husband, hi who ever you maybe you got the wrong guy.
Dear people who hate me, Leave plox
Dear people who love me, don't leave plox