
this message may be offensive
Fuck you mom, fuck you whoever bump into me, fucking bitch lost my HEADSET AND FUCK EVERYONE FUCK LIFE LIKE WTF 


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I also fucking hate when someone ask for fucking food then when I act a bit aggressive but gave them the food they requested anyway they don't fucking take the food and eat it like bitch eat the fucking food you request shithead 


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I fucking dislike someone's what the fuck  be greatful that I lied to you in a good way, like what you gonna do in there anyway? Like try to use me for wifi data? Or try to use me to make me buy you things? I'm not a rich kid you know  and also be greatful I didn't said this infront of you, like are you trying to guilt trip me? Or whatever the word is. And like what the fuck, you literally chatted me in pm, in the side group chat, the main you want to start a drama? Your so judgemental girl, you literally judge our classmate who is fat, like all she did was eat while keeping her mask on? Mind your damn business because all you do whenever we have some group practices you don't bought money with you or even pay for your own food, you made us pay for your own food and guilt tripping are a judgemental may have good voice but your loud as fuck especially your laugh like it's so loud that made my ears almost bleed and like please mind your damn business...
          I just wanna get my frustration in this because of someone...I cannot talk to anyone that I know because I have trust issues