
Bleeding Hearts is officially complete. Go read it please and let me know what you think.


Hey, I have two and a half more chapters for Bleeding Hearts. I'm thinking I'm gonna edit the chapters and post the ones I have written then you can read those while you wait for the last few additions!
          Let me know if you want anything in the story. I hope you enjoy it.


Hi! I'm about halfway done with the prequel and won't be posting a sneak peek (because I don't feel like editing yet) That being said I am posting an aesthetics page and the pictures of their house. Enjoy those while I finish writing. 


So I designed a house for the story.
          1. would anyone want to see it or do you prefer to imagine it how you like?
          2. If you want to see it would you rather see it in Bulletproof Hearts or in the prequel
          3. do you want a sneak peek of the prequel or wait till it's finished?


Show it in the sneak peek 


I don't know if anyone will respond, but if I write a prequel to Bulletproof Hearts would anyone be interested?


Yesss! Do it pls. Bulletproof was so good 


@Alexandra42143  non vedrei l' ora di leggerlo