
Hello everyone.
          	So, so sorry I haven't done anything on here in a while. Life gets in the way. 
          	I may be able to update Guide to dragons sometime soon, but don't take my word for that. 
          	Also, I've got an idea for a story I may write.... so maybe over the summer I can see about that. 
          	Thanks for having patience with me. My apologies for being offline so much.


Hello everyone.
          So, so sorry I haven't done anything on here in a while. Life gets in the way. 
          I may be able to update Guide to dragons sometime soon, but don't take my word for that. 
          Also, I've got an idea for a story I may write.... so maybe over the summer I can see about that. 
          Thanks for having patience with me. My apologies for being offline so much.


          So it's been a while since I've done really anything on here. 
          Sorry about that. 
          Anyways, I'm at chapter twelve of Half Human (I'm writing it on my computer as well) so if you guys are interested in me continuing that on here, then please tell me. Cause if not, I may not... Sorry
          Also, on my Guide to Dragons, I am also sorry I haven't updated that either. I have just been busy. 
          Though, I should be able to maybe update this weekend (?). 
          Anyways, I'm not dead so at least now you know.
          Thanks for following me.


Hi everyone.
          So, a friend of mine convinced me that I should put my little novel book thing I'm writing on here. 
          Well, you know the one, Half Human. Originally, I only had the prologue and it was Half Human, A Short Story, but that's changed. 
          Ok, so same as before, I would absolutely love feedback. Good or bad, I don't care. 
          Also, I've entered it and Guide To Dragons into the Wattys, so wish me luck I guess.
          In any case, the first five chapters are up and I am planning on following a semi-weekly schedule. The day I publish will be determined later,  so there's that.
          After Chapter Eight comes out, it may be a bit slower though, since I haven't written much pas that.
          We'll see how this goes.
          Thank you so much for following me and I hope you like my newest story.


Hey guys.
          So, I know I haven't really updated as much, but I am glad to tell you I did finally upload some more pictures. Best part of that is that the pictures all go to dragons that are published. So yay! We now have pictures for Mountain, Dark, Night, and Forest dragons. 
          Sad part of that is that there are only four but every little things should count, I guess.
          Anyways, there's the update.


          Well, it's been a whole day and I got pretty busy on here. 
          Ok, so  first off, I published another entry in Guide to Dragons. I amused myself writing it so I hope you guys like it too. 
          Second, with the publishing of the Winter Dragon, I have finished my first round of Ice Elements. Hurray.  I'm sure this is getting tiresome, but here's the rundown again: 
          Go through each element list and write the ones I can, move on and do the rest later. 
          Honestly, the way I pick is based on the pictures I have. If it's already traced and just needs to be colored, I'll probably do it.  You know, unless it'd new and I haven't figured all of it out yet. 
          Anyways, that should be it. 
          Thanks for reading!


Hi everyone. It's Alex.
          So, long time no see, I guess. I'm sorry for dropping out for a while but school had to be finished out and they decided to crack down on the last few weeks.
          I know I'm already not great about updating but I hope to update my "Guide to Dragons" now that schools out. 
          Don't know when exactly, but maybe by next week? 
          Anyways, just an update and to tell you guys that I am alive.
          Thanks for following me and reading my stories.


Hello humans. 
          First off, I got 1,000 (1K) views on my Guide to Dragons so I'm very excited. 
          Also, I finished all of the fire elements that I'm going to do on my first go-around. 
          Just a reminder, I'm going through each element and doing the dragons that I've had for a while and/or have a pretty good idea of what to do for them. After I finish that, then I'll go back and do the rest.
          Anyways, thanks for following me and reading my stories.


Hi guys, Alex again. 
          Well, looks like I followed through with my before-mentioned comment. If you haven't read that, I suggest you do, but you don't necessarily have to. 
          Anyways, I put up pictures (yay, go me) for some of my dragons in my Guide to Dragons story. 
          Here's the list of updated ones with pictures (I know you haven't read some, since I haven't published those chapters yet, so think of it as a sneak peak of sorts):
          Black Panther Dragon (Electric, published)
          Cat Dragon (Lava, not published)
          Herbivore Dragon (Undefined, not published)
          Nature Dragon (Water, not yet published)
          Serpentine Dragon (Fire, published)
          Air Dragon (Smoke, not yet published)
          Speed Dragon (Acid, published)
          Superior Forest Dragon (Acid, published)
          Tree Dragon (Presudo, not yet published)
          For any of you who are wondering, that's four published and five not. 
          I hope you enjoy. 
          Thanks for reading my stories,