Hey are you alive? I saw a comment from you on a book, about you having to go through a 14-16 hour surgery. The comment was from 2015. In 2016 someone replied to you asking if you were ok. Since then, the comment chain has grown and included more people asking if you were ok. They mostly determined that you probably survived the surgery because your book was last updated in 2016, so you had to have survived through 2015, when your surgery was. But there’s no word from you since then. So I have to wonder. Did something happen after 2016? The last message on your message board was also from 2016, thanking you for commenting on someone’s book. So overall, there’s proof of you being alive in 2016 as you updated your book, and commented on someone else’s book. But there’s no proof beyond that. And you haven’t checked your notifs in awhile since you never responded to the comment chain in the book I just came from. So are you still alive? Please say yes! I really want you to be. Even though you’re an utter stranger.