
Happy holidays! You guys are absolutely amazing and the best readers on the planet. You make me smile when I'm having a bad day and remind me why I enjoy writing when I want to quit. 
          	I wanted to let you know 5 Dirty Sins is now available in it's final product in both ebook and paperback in case you want to have a permanent copy to keep! You can find copies here:
          	I will be posting a new "book" that I will be using to post short updates from all the characters I've written. Small little snippets like a conversation over coffee, or a shower scene, or maybe a birthday or Christmas. Something fun and easy to keep us all entertained while I work on the next set of books. Keep an eye out for that! 
          	Happy holidays!!!
          	xoxo Alexis


@AlexisAnneBooks  hey hey. so u probably heard of me @Andisksks. i would love to follow u, if u would like to follow me back


And if you'd like to leave a little review on the book at any of those places I would be very grateful! xoxo


@kimmoy24 The second book is Reflected in the Rain. Unfortunately it is no longer on Wattpad, but it is on sale for 99 cents this week at Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and iBooks if you'd like to grab a copy!


Hi friend, hope you're enjoying the holidays,Merry Christmas in arrears and a Happy New year in advance,
          Want a terrific weekend time,try The haunt,
          Funny and scary,
          Would be glad if you could,and if not,no rush d


Hey, I was reading Tease two seconds ago and now it’s disappeared... did you delete it? I wish I could have finished it, you’re a very good author...


@lxvqlys it's still showing in my library offline list but can't open it


It’s free as an ebook like Apple Books, etc