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@AlexisDeandrea I like the premise but the pacing seems a little rushed.
And you try to show not tell a little more. Using a 3rd person omnipotent style narration is fine, but it's typically seen as amateurish if you get too casual with it.
If she's been reincarnated as an animal, is my assumption, then you should take a moment and describe the instance where she realizes that she's not human before she attacks Naruto's pursuers. Otherwise, it's a little difficult to understand because you immediately try to imagine that it's a human doing it. I recommend even just using little details like saying "paws" or "claws" so that readers have an easier time picturing what is happening.
Making pop culture references is okay if you're going for a Deadpool-esque narration style, but some readers might also find it cheesy or lazy writers. Not all, of course, but some. So you should make sure you consider who your desired audience is going to be and then make any modifications, if needed.
I really didn't understand the Incubus/Rape comment. You were referencing the backstory scene where Naruto was being attack as a child, yes? I think you may want to change the phrasing there. Mentioning rape in stories on Wattpad is seen as kind of taboo, so you should be prepared for how it could be received and I recommend being aware of just how you bring it up and address the issue.
I also found it difficult to follow because she instantly wanted to help Naruto and felt a bond with him, even though it was stated before that she hated the show. I expected her to be more hesitant or shocked upon meeting him.
All in all, not bad, but there were things that I think could be polished up.