
Feeling a bit wicked today, If you just love Tom it is best you do not read


There is a slim chance that anyone will read this but please take a few seconds to do so... PLEASE go to @dangerouslyfound and read her story its called 'knives against love' its an amazing story so far, and it would mean the world to her if you read it and fanned... PLEASE?? im begging you. It wont be updated until there are more fans and i am dying for an update. So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go and read her story its amazing! :D


Hello all, I have not written for a while but I dusted the keyboard and started up again. My new work is a sonnet- (thus very short) would love to know what you think of it. I have stopped with Taddio for a while, he started of strong but reader intrest has dwindled and with it my motivation to continue plugging on. However my brain is churning so I am sure that in time another Taddio will start. Nice to reconnect with my fans and I intend to start reading to see what you have all been up to!