MOON FLOWERS has now been fully edited and available on Wattpad. :)
I am also trying to find an agent who would be willing to represent my book. Wish my luck!
@SmolzEngFoox Yesyes!sorry I'm pure-minded not that... "banana"?lol. Lol you're a good person,you replied my comment even though it's childish lol xD. Anyways, your stories are great!Continue on the good work! ;D
Hello dear readers!
As some of you might have noticed, I am slowly posting the edited chapters of my book MOON FLOWERS.
Check it out of you please!
Thanks and lots of love!
Lol Hello :) Thanks for the follow-right back atcha fellow veggie! and wow congrats on getting mentioned in magazines! That's pretty awesome! and winning a scholarship too :) must be all the
@KittyWelsh Thanks for the follow too hehe Well, you know, profile pages are supposed to WAW people. They were not big magazines nor a big scholarship... but sure, let's say it was because of the veggies hehehe
@098yxz In retrospect, I think I shouldn't have kissed Samuel. Now our friendship just became much more complicated.
She wore a retro style dress, short with big bright flowers on it.